Pastor Jatinder Prakash Gill

Pastor Jatinder Prakash Gill

Pastor Jatinder Prakash Gill

Founder and Senior Pastor at Bethlehem Punjabi Church.

Pastor Jatinder Prakash Gill is an ordained minister of Assemblies of God and senior Pastor of Bethlehem Punjabi Church in New York along with his wife Rosleen Gill and four daughters Evangeline, Genesis, Jaclyn & Bethany. He was born and brought up in Punjab, India. In 1991, he had divine encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and he accepted Him as his Lord and Savior. He had his early education in Punjab then for higher studies He moved to Dehradun where he completed his “Bachelor of Theology” from Luther W. New Jr. Theological College. He did his “Bachelor of Arts” in History Honors from New Delhi, India. After his studies Pastor Jatinder planted three churches in India. In 2001 he moved to USA and pioneered Bethlehem Punjabi Church in New York. He did “Diploma in Biblical Studies” from ISOM, California. And received “Doctor of Ministry” from IICM, Florida, USA.. He was awarded Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa) and Peace Ambassador Certificate from Academy of Universal Global Peace (Affiliated with United Nations)

He has pioneered several Christian Radio and T.V programs. He has translated more than 45 books into Punjabi and taught in Bible school. He is the founder of Bethlehem Church in India and is the general secretary for Southern Asia Fellowship of Assemblies of God. His well-known book “Ruh di Khurak” in Punjabi has become very popular among Punjabi Christians worldwide.

The Lord is using the man of God to bring many to Christ and to teach the Word of God with very powerful revelation. He travels different parts of the world including India to preach the good news of Lord Jesus Christ.

"Trust in the Lord With all Your Heart and Lean not on Your own Understanding." - Proverbs 3:5

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